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Kops update cluster

kops update cluster

Update a cluster.


Create or update cloud or cluster resources to match the current cluster and instance group definitions. If the cluster or cloud resources already exist this command may modify those resources.

If, such as during a Kubernetes upgrade, nodes need updating, a rolling-update may be subsequently required.

kops update cluster [CLUSTER] [flags]


  # After the cluster has been edited or upgraded, update the cloud resources with:
  kops update cluster --state=s3://my-state-store --yes


      --admin duration[=18h0m0s]       Also export a cluster admin user credential with the specified lifetime and add it to the cluster context
      --allow-kops-downgrade           Allow an older version of kOps to update the cluster than last used
      --create-kube-config             Will control automatically creating the kube config file on your local filesystem (default true)
  -h, --help                           help for cluster
      --ignore-kubelet-version-skew    Setting this to true will force updating the kubernetes version on all instance groups, regardles of which control plane version is running
      --instance-group strings         Instance groups to update (defaults to all if not specified)
      --instance-group-roles strings   Instance group roles to update (control-plane,apiserver,node,bastion)
      --internal                       Use the cluster's internal DNS name. Implies --create-kube-config
      --lifecycle-overrides strings    comma separated list of phase overrides, example: SecurityGroups=Ignore,InternetGateway=ExistsAndWarnIfChanges
      --out string                     Path to write any local output
      --phase string                   Subset of tasks to run: cluster, network, security
      --prune                          Delete old revisions of cloud resources that were needed during an upgrade
      --ssh-public-key string          SSH public key to use (deprecated: use kops create secret instead)
      --target target                  Target - "direct", "terraform" (default direct)
      --user string                    Existing user in kubeconfig file to use.  Implies --create-kube-config
  -y, --yes                            Create cloud resources, without --yes update is in dry run mode

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   yaml config file (default is $HOME/.kops.yaml)
      --name string     Name of cluster. Overrides KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable
      --state string    Location of state storage (kops 'config' file). Overrides KOPS_STATE_STORE environment variable
  -v, --v Level         number for the log level verbosity