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Kops toolbox instance selector

kops toolbox instance-selector

Generate instance-group specs by providing resource specs such as vcpus and memory.


Generate AWS EC2 instance groups by providing resource specs, such as vcpus and memory, rather than instance types.

kops toolbox instance-selector INSTANCE_GROUP [flags]


  ## Create a spot instance group using a MixInstancesPolicy and Capacity-Optimized spot allocation strategy.
  ## --flexible defaults to a 1:2 vcpus to memory ratio and 4 vcpus.
  kops toolbox instance-selector my-spot-mig --usage-class spot --flexible

  ## Create an on-demand instance group with custom vcpu and memory range filters.
  kops toolbox instance-selector ondemand-ig --vcpus-min=2 --vcpus-max=4 --memory-min 2gb --memory-max 4gb


      --allow-list string                 List of allowed instance types to select from w/ regex syntax (Example: m[3-5]\.*)
      --base-instance-type string         Base instance type to retrieve similarly specified instance types
      --burst-support                     Burstable instance types
      --cluster-autoscaler                Add auto-discovery tags for cluster-autoscaler to manage the instance-group (default true)
      --cpu-architecture string           CPU architecture [amd64, arm64] (default "amd64")
      --deny-list string                  List of instance types which should be excluded w/ regex syntax (Example: m[1-2]\.*)
      --dry-run                           Only print the object that would be created, without creating it. This flag can be used to create a cluster YAML or JSON manifest.
      --ena-support                       Instance types where ENA is supported or required
      --flexible                          Retrieve a group of instance types spanning multiple generations based on opinionated defaults and user overridden resource filters
      --gpu-memory string                 GPUs' total memory (Example: 4gb) (sets --gpu-memory-min and -max to the same value)
      --gpu-memory-max string             Maximum GPUs' total memory (Example: 4gb) If --gpu-memory-min is not specified, the lower bound will be 0
      --gpu-memory-min string             Minimum GPUs' total memory (Example: 4gb) If --gpu-memory-max is not specified, the upper bound will be infinity
      --gpus int                          Number of GPUs (Example: 4) (sets --gpus-min and -max to the same value)
      --gpus-max int                      Maximum Number of GPUs (Example: 4) If --gpus-min is not specified, the lower bound will be 0
      --gpus-min int                      Minimum Number of GPUs (Example: 4) If --gpus-max is not specified, the upper bound will be infinity
  -h, --help                              help for instance-selector
      --ig-count int                      Number of instance groups to create with different vcpus-to-memory ratios, starting at 1:2 and doubling
      --max-results int                   Maximum number of instance types to return back (default 20)
      --memory string                     Amount of memory available (Example: 4gb) (sets --memory-min and -max to the same value)
      --memory-max string                 Maximum Amount of memory available (Example: 4gb) If --memory-min is not specified, the lower bound will be 0
      --memory-min string                 Minimum Amount of memory available (Example: 4gb) If --memory-max is not specified, the upper bound will be infinity
      --network-interfaces int            Number of network interfaces (ENIs) that can be attached to the instance (sets --network-interfaces-min and -max to the same value)
      --network-interfaces-max int        Maximum Number of network interfaces (ENIs) that can be attached to the instance If --network-interfaces-min is not specified, the lower bound will be 0
      --network-interfaces-min int        Minimum Number of network interfaces (ENIs) that can be attached to the instance If --network-interfaces-max is not specified, the upper bound will be infinity
      --node-count-max int                Maximum number of nodes (default 10)
      --node-count-min int                Minimum number of nodes (default 1)
      --node-security-groups strings      Pre-created additional security groups for nodes
      --node-volume-size int              Instance volume size (in GiB) for nodes
  -o, --output string                     Output format. One of json or yaml. Used with the --dry-run flag. (default "yaml")
      --placement-group-strategy string   Placement group strategy: [cluster, partition, spread]
      --subnets strings                   Subnet(s) in which to create the instance group. One of Availability Zone like eu-west-1a or utility-eu-west-1a,
      --usage-class string                Usage class: [spot, on-demand] (default "on-demand")
      --vcpus int                         Number of vcpus available to the instance type (sets --vcpus-min and -max to the same value)
      --vcpus-max int                     Maximum Number of vcpus available to the instance type If --vcpus-min is not specified, the lower bound will be 0
      --vcpus-min int                     Minimum Number of vcpus available to the instance type If --vcpus-max is not specified, the upper bound will be infinity
      --vcpus-to-memory-ratio string      Ratio of vcpus to memory in MiB. (Example: 1:2)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   yaml config file (default is $HOME/.kops.yaml)
      --name string     Name of cluster. Overrides KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable
      --state string    Location of state storage (kops 'config' file). Overrides KOPS_STATE_STORE environment variable
  -v, --v Level         number for the log level verbosity


  • kops toolbox - Miscellaneous, experimental, or infrequently used commands.