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Cherry-picking changes back to previous branches


Anyone can propose a cherry-pick - you do not need to be the original author.

We typically have multiple release branches "open" at once - ideally one that is a stable release branch ("GA"), one that is a beta, and one that is an alpha. Sometimes the alpha branch will be the master branch.

Broad guidelines for acceptance of a cherry-pick:

  • Once a version is beta or GA, we typically won't cherry-pick new features back to it.
  • We typically will cherry-pick security-fixes and regression-fixes into the GA branch (and the alpha & beta branches).
  • We may cherry-pick bug-fixes into the stable branch if the bug is sufficiently severe and outweighs the risk of introducing new regressions.
  • Generally we are more accepting of cherry-picks to the beta branch (bug-fixes generally accepted), and very accepting to the alpha branch (features and bug-fixes generally accepted). As a beta is maturing to GA, and the alpha is maturing into a beta, we will become more risk-averse on the cherry-picks, so that the branches can stabilize.

We are currently tracking cherry-picks to the various branches in a spreadsheet


The kubernetes repo has a script for cherry-picking and you can download the raw form using something like:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

(You may also have ~/bin on your PATH, which is probably a better location than /usr/local/bin)

Then you can propose a cherry pick of PR using something like:

GITHUB_USER=${USER} \ origin/release-1.15 12345

Tip: If you find yourself doing this often, you may want to create a wrapper script that sets UPSTREAM_REMOTE, FORK_REMOTE and GITHUB_USER to your values.